Greg Macaluso

Let me take a moment to share a little more about myself. As an expert in the area and I have been Certified in all of the variables that can affect the home buying & selling process. When you are ready I'm excited to assist you. I also wanted to include the links below to help better explain my credentials. I was honored as the cover story for Real Producers magazine. Only the Top 500 realtors in Charlotte can be selected for this honor. In conjunction with this honor I took the opportunity to raise money for Brain Injury awareness. A story near and dear to me, which is why my identical twin is on the cover with me. Click on the link below for more...  

With that over the years my organization has grown by leaps and bounds to become one of the top selling groups in this market with over 350 million in sales this past year and growing!

Click on the image for more:  

We all go through so much in our lives that shape us and lead us down our paths. This is my story of obstacles and my why in life... What's your why?

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